Nursing jobs northwest

The northwest is one of the fastest developing sub-regions in the UK. Historically the area has long been recognised as an industrial heartland, with a focus on textile and shipbuilding for example, but now more and more diversification is taking place and as heavy industry faces a steady decline other job types are making more of an impact.

Many of the growth industries in the Northwest are by naturally inclined towards using agency workers, whether locally or internationally sourced. Hospitals and Health Centres often go to recruitment agencies such as Daniel Adams to fulfil their employment needs. There is a great deal of flexible working opportunities in the health sector, which means greater links are being forged between health care professionals seeking work and the large employers in the region looking for specific skills.

From the Royal Manchester Children’s Hospital to the Broad Green Hospital in Liverpool and many other facilities in between, there are numerous job vacancies in the area of nursing and health care. The mental health sector in particular is a major employer and recruits a range of positions including support workers, registered mental health nurses, clinical nurses, psychologists, occupational therapists and social workers.

Both private hospitals and clinics, as well as the NHS use recruitment agencies to find the most professional and experienced jobs seekers available in the healthcare industry. Those with the skills to match current needs, especially with regard to mental health, are well positioned to find employment in the northwest